Visualize logs from multiple pods in a single view

Viewing and analyzing logs is part of most developers' daily routines. It is a critical part of the development process, and it is important to be able to view and analyze logs in a way that is easy to access and use.

While you can use Kubectl to view logs, it's not always easy to remember the exact command to use and its parameters.

Aptakube gives you a powerful log viewer that allows you to view logs from multiple pods and containers at the same time. Pod and container names are colorized to make it easy to distinguish between them.

How to use the Log Viewer

Logs are aggregated based on all pods owned by the resource. You can find the Logs tab on the Resource View of Pods, Deployments, ReplicaSets, DaemonSets, StatefulSets, and Services.

While Services don't own pods, they often target pods using their selector, so we show logs from all selected pods.

Screenshot of Aptakube showing logs from multiple pods in one view
  1. Filter: Enter text or regex to filter the logs. Clear the input to remove the filter and view all logs.
  2. Pods & Containers: Select which pods and containers would you like to view the logs from. Deselecting a pod or container will not remove its logs from the view, but it'll stop streaming new logs from them.
  3. Time Since: Defines how far back to look for logs.
  • Live Tail means that only new logs are shown. Useful to view real-time logs.
  • Terminated will show logs from previously terminated containers (if any). Useful to view logs from crashed/errored containers.
  • {X}h ago or {X}d ago will show logs from the last X hours or days.
  1. Expand: Removes the sidebar and expands the log viewer to a full window. Combine this with your Operating System's fullscreen mode to get the most out of the logs view.
  2. Timestamp: Toggles the timestamp generated by Kubernetes for each log.
  3. Download: Download all visible logs as a CSV file so you can analyze them offline with your favorite tool.
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Screenshot of Aptakube showing a list of pods from 2 clusters in a single view