
The best alternative to Kubernetes Lens ⚡️

Looking for a Lens alternative? People switch from Lens to Aptakube because it looks better and is much faster. Here's why should make the switch too ✨

Aptakube demo of the multi-cluster functionality, quick actions and aggregated logs.

If you're looking for an alternative to Lens and OpenLens, Aptakube is a great choice. Aptakube is a fast, lightweight and beautiful Kubernetes GUI that works on any platform.

From a feature point of view, Aptakube and Lens are somewhat similar. Aptakube has an advantage on being multi-cluster, richer resource views and aggregated log viewer. Our customers have reported that Aptakube is many times faster than Lens, as well as being much smaller in size and less resource intensive.

Aptakube doesn't require cloud authentication and uses a perpetual fallback license. You bought it, you own it.

Fast, slick UI that outperforms Lens and k9s. Each view is well designed and shows you everything at a glance. Works seamlessly with Teleport (and Okta) as well. Aptakube is a breath of fresh air in a landscape of increasingly bloated apps — I can't recommend it highly enough!

Yudhi, Kubernetes & DevOps Engineer
Kubernetes & DevOps Engineer

Here's a quick comparison between Aptakube and Lens.

Tech StackTauri, Rust and SolidElectron, Node.js and React
User InterfaceGUI (Graphical)GUI (Graphical)
Time to Interactive1Time taken to get past the splash screen⚡️ Instantly~5 seconds
App Disk Size124 MB1.21 GB
Memory Usage @ Home1How much memory was used when the app started73 MB524 MB
Memory Usage @ 3000 Pods1How much memory was used to list 3000 pods218 MB713 MB
Multi-clusterAbility to connect to multiple clusters simultaneouslyNo
Aggregated Log ViewerView logs from multiple pods at onceNo
Resource MetricsCPU and Memory usage metrics via standard Kubernetes Metrics API
Metrics-server or Prometheus

Requires Prometheus
Cloud AuthenticationWhether you need to login to use the appNo
Requires Lens ID 2
Licensing ModelCommercial
Perpetual Fallback License
Open SourceNoNo
  1. Tested on a MacBook Pro 16" 2021 M1 Pro 16GB, running macOS Ventura 13.3.
  • Aptakube 1.4.0
  • Lens 2022.12.11410-latest
  1. Lens is a commercial product built on top of OpenLens. OpenLens does not require cloud authentication, but Lens does.

If you notice any inaccuracies, please let us know at

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